Data - Technology - Leadership

The Leadership Series explores people leadership and teams. Whether you are building, inheriting or motivating, we all work in, with and around teams and can benefit from each others experience and insights.

Building Diverse Teams

In this post I look at the value of diversity in teams and how we can identify and nurture it.

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On The Line is my blog series focused on quick command line tips and shortcuts for Linux. It's mostly to help me with my bad memory but I hope it helps you too.

History Lesson

In this On The Line post I delve into the bash command history and some helpful tricks to make it work for us.

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Lost In Space

In this edition of On The Line we look at linux commands to help manage your disk space.

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More Blog Posts

Prepare To Be Bombarded

We are all about to be bombarded with so much information we will not be able to keep on top of it. Some of us will be paralysed with indecision - Too much data will be a curse.

The deluge of AI machine generated data is coming and it will be relentless.

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Hiring Presales - What I Look For

In my experience a strong presales team, made up of the right mix of people, can be an engine of growth to power technology solution sales.

This is my approach to hiring and the criteria I look for when bringing someone into the presales family.

SPOILER ALERT: Skills and experience are NOT at the top of my list! You might be surprised by this.

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UHack2017 - Biggest Hackathon in Tassie

The biggest Hackathon in Tasmania has just come to a close over the weekend. Hosted by The University of Tasmania, 19 teams from Burnie, Launceston and Hobart competed over 3 days to develop a working software application, a business model and a pitch video.

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Email Form Validation with New TLD's

I thought I would write up a quick piece about email validation routines. It's something that has been really bugging me ever since I took up one of the new generic top level domains - '.technology'.

I have discovered many websites from organisations big and small that refuse to accept this as a valid email address. Mostly because of outdated javascript validation routines on the web forms. I have even had folks try to tell me this is not a valid email address!

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ETL with Pentaho Data Integration

This quick guide is for those who want to get started with Pentaho Data Integration and learn the very basics. Duration is about: 15 - 20 mins.

I wanted to show how you can do some basic extraction and manipulation with Pentaho Data Integration so I'm using the same source file - LinkedIn contacts extracted from your own profile.

On the first run through this could be a 15 to 20 minute affair but on subsequent passes you will be building and running transforms in no time flat.

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